The virtualization of the network access layer has opened new doors in how we perceive networks. With this virtualization of the\r\nnetwork, it is possible to transform a regular PC with several network interface cards into a switch. PC-based switches are becoming\r\nan alternative to off-the-shelf switches, since they are cheaper. For this reason, it is important to evaluate the performance of PCbased\r\nswitches. In this paper, we present a performance evaluation of two PC-based switches, using Open vSwitch and LiSA, and\r\ncompare their performance with an off-the-shelf Cisco switch. The RTT, throughput, and fairness for UDP are measured for both\r\nEthernet and Fast Ethernet technologies. From this research, we can conclude that the Cisco switch presents the best performance,\r\nand both PC-based switches have similar performance. Between Open vSwitch and LiSA, Open vSwitch represents a better choice\r\nsince it has more features and is currently actively developed.